Guidance on usage: Webissues Server on Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS Minimal

Connecting and configuring Webissues Server on Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS Minimal

To start the server, run the VM through Azure Portal.

  1. To establish a connection with the server, you need to know the IP address of the VM. You can find it in your Azure personal account. (Select the virtual machine from the list. Click on the “Overview” item. Your IP address will be displayed under the “Public IP Address” line.)
  1. To work, you must open port 80 (TCP) in the network properties in the Azure firewall.
  1. Now, you can access the admin panel. Open your browser and enter the following address in the address bar: http://yourVM’sIP

The authorization page will open. The default login is “admin” and the password is “webissuesadmin“.

  1. You need to change the standard password, for this go to the “My Account” tab.
  1. Next, you need to go to the “Change Password” tab.
  1. In the fields enter the Current (1), New (2), and Confirm (3) password and click ‘OK’ (4).

For more information and detailed guidance, please refer to the official documentation and WebIssues manuals.

Official Documentation 

WebIssues Guide 

WebIssues Manual