Guidance on usage: PostgreSQL 15 on Windows Server 2016 DC

PostgreSQL 15 is a powerful system that comes with advanced features, extensibility, reliability, and security which make it a popular choice for developers and organizations around the world.

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Connection and configuration PostgreSQL 15 on Windows Server 2016 DC

  1. For the connection to the server, you should know the IP address of the VM. You can find it in the personal account of Azure. (You need to select the virtual machine from the list. By clicking the item “Overview”, your IP is displayed in the line “Public IP Address”).
  1. To work, you must open TCP ports 3389, 5432  in the network properties in the Azure firewall.
  1. To connect to the virtual machine, run the “Remote Desktop Connection” shortcut “Win + R”. In the window that appears, enter “mstsc” and click “OK”.
  1. In the window that appears, enter the IP of the virtual machine and click “Connect”.
  1. In the window that appears, enter your username and password and click “OK”.
  1. Check the box and click “Yes”.
  1. Run pgAdmin. 
  1. By default, you will be asked to set a master password

Set the password and click “OK”.

  1. Click the server “PostgreSQL 15
  1. Enter the password from the file “password” on the desktop
  1. Your connection is ready

More information – 15: PostgreSQL 15.1 Documentation