Guidance on usage: Openfire Team Chat Server on Windows Server 2022 DC Azure

 Openfire Team Chat Server can make your life easier by providing a secure and efficient platform for team communication and collaboration.

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Configuration and Connection Openfire Team Chat Server on Windows Server 2022 DC Azure

After purchasing and starting the VM, you should know its IP address. You can find it in the personal account of Azure. (You should select the virtual machine from the list. By clicking the item “Overview”, your IP would be displayed in the line “Public IP Address”).

To work, you must open TCP ports 3389, 5222, 5269, 7443, 9090, 9091 in the network properties in the Azure firewall.

The list of these ports is available in the article at the link below: Installation Guide – Openfire

  1. To access the Openfire server, you need to enter http://yourVM’sIP:9090 in the address bar of your browser.
  2. When opened, the following page will be displayed. Choose your preferred language from the list and click “Continue”.
  1. On the “Server Settings” page, specify the domain names for the server (when you hover over the question mark, information will be displayed). Click “Continue”.

The Server Host Name (FQDN) can be changed later.

  1. On the Database Settings page, select “Embedded Database” and click “Continue”
  1. Profile Settings – leave the default setting.
  1. On the last page of the Administrator Account, you should specify the mail and create a password (the login will be – admin).
  1. Upon completion of the setup, click on the “Login to the admin console” button
  2. Log in using the username “admin” and the password you created in step 6
  1. At the bottom of the page is a list of ports you can use

If they are to be used, it is necessary to open these ports in the Azure firewall.

  1.  To create a new user, go to “User/Groups⇒Create New User”
  1. Enter user data and click “Create User”

The recommended client is Spark – Ignite Realtime: Downloads.

More detailed Openfire documentation:

 Ignite Realtime: Openfire Server 

It is recommended to use the spark client as a client for Openfire:

 Ignite Realtime: Spark IM Client

Now you can enjoy your own fully pledged Openfire Team Chat Server