Guidance on usage: Kanboard Server on Linux Stream 8 Minimal

Configuration and Connection to Kanboard Server on Linux Stream 8 Minimal

  1. Run the VM via the Azure Portal. To connect to the Kanboard Server, you need to know the server’s IP address. You can find it in your Azure personal account. Select the virtual machine from the list and click on “Overview” to view the IP address under the “Public IP Address” line.
  1. To enable connectivity, open port 80 TCP in the network properties of the Azure firewall.
  1. After starting the VM, you can go to the admin panel. To do this, go to the following address: http://*vm_ip*.
  1. When you visit the site, an authorization page will appear. Use “admin” as the login and password.
  1. It’s recommended to change the password for the administrator account. To do this, go to the profile settings in the upper right corner of the page.
  1. Go to the “Change password” section and complete the password change procedure.
  1. To create a public project, click on “New Project” in the upper left corner of the page.
  1. Enter the name and identifier (optional) for your project.
  1. Now you can add new tasks and work with the board.

For more information on setting up and working with Kanboard, refer to the Kanboard documentation