Guidance on usage: Datacenter Server Core for Windows Server 2016

Datacenter Server Core for Windows Server 2016 serves as a cornerstone for enterprise IT infrastructure, providing organizations with a powerful and reliable platform to meet their diverse workload demands.

Effortless installation. Ready-to-run with easy maintenance. Explore now for a smooth experience!

Configuration and Connection to Datacenter Server Core for Windows Server 2016

      To initiate the server, launch the virtual machine via Azure.

  1. For the VM to function properly, open port 3389 (TCP) in the network properties of the Azure Firewall.
  1. To connect to the virtual machine, execute the “Remote Desktop Connection” shortcut by pressing “Win + R” on your keyboard.
  1. In the window that appears, enter “mstsc” and click “OK”.
  1. In the subsequent window, input the IP address of the virtual machine and select “Connect”.
  1. Enter your username and password in the displayed window, then click “OK”.
  1. Check the box and click “Yes”.
  1. For basic Server Core configuration, you can use the built-in sconfig script. Simply run the sconfig command in the console
  1. You will be presented with a menu containing several options to configure Windows Server 2016.

Now you can start using your completely clean Datacenter Server Core for Windows Server 2016 virtual machine.