Guidance on usage: Asterisk System Server on Ubuntu 20.04 Minimal

Explore the feature-rich capabilities of Asterisk System Server on Ubuntu 20.04 Minimal and unlock the potential to build a highly customized and scalable PBX solution. 

Effortless installation. Ready-to-run with easy maintenance. Explore now for a smooth experience!

Connection and configuration of Asterisk System Server on Ubuntu 20.04 Minimal

  1. To start the server, run the VM through Azure Portal. You need to know your IP address. In the virtual machine, select “Overview” and the “Public IP Address” field will have the IP.
  1. To work, you must open ports TCP 22 and UDP 5060 in the network properties in the Azure firewall.
  1. Install PuTTY. You can download PuTTY from the link – Launch PuTTY.
  2. In the “Host Name” field, enter the IP of the virtual machine and click “Open”.
  1. In the opened console, you will need to enter a username (1) and password (2) that were specified while the VM was being created (you’ll not see the password in the console while entering it). 
  1. To check that the service is running, enter the command:

sudo systemctl status asterisk

  1. Press “Q” to exit, checking service status.
  2.  To enter the asterisk service console, enter the command: 

sudo asterisk -vvvr

  1. To view the “Settings” or “Help” in the console of the asterisk service, you can use the commands: 

core show settings

core show help

This is a pre-configured Asterisk v.18

You can easily modify it to your own needs.

To further configuration of the service, use the documentation