Guidance on usage: Apache Subversion (SVN) Server on Ubuntu 22.04

Configuring and connecting to Apache Subversion (SVN) Server on Ubuntu 22.04

  1. Run the VM through Azure Portal. To connect to Apache Server, first, you need to know the server IP address. You can find it in the personal account of Azure. You need to select the virtual machine from the list. By clicking the item “Overview”, your IP is displayed in the “Public IP Address” line.
  1. Next, you should open port 80 TCP in the network properties in the Azure firewall.
  1. To work with Apache, you can use the Tortoise SVN client for Windows OS, it is available following the link: Downloads · TortoiseSVN 
  1. After the client is installed, run “TortoiseSVN Repository Browser”. In the opened window, enter the link http://ip/svn/azurerepo (where in the link instead of “IP” type the real IP of the virtual machine on Azure) and click “OK”
  1. In the “Authentication” window enter login “azureuser” and password “azurepwd” and click ‘OK
  1. The main application window will open:
  1. In the opened application window, right-click on the application area and select “Add file” or “Add folder” to upload files or directories to the server.
  1. In the next window, click “OK”:
  1. After downloading the file, follow the URL http://ip/svn/azurerepo in your web browser (where in the link instead of “IP” type the real IP of the virtual machine on Azure). The authorization window opens. Enter login ‘azureuser’ and password ‘azurepwd‘ and click ‘Sign in
  1. You see the recently added files and directories.

Now you can work with your own Apache Subversion Server